UPCOMING DEMO: How ChatGPT + AddOns Saved Me 36 Hours in Two Weeks
Join me this Sunday (1/29) 4pmCT for my DEMO, “How ChatGPT + AddOns Saved Me 36 Hours Over Two Weeks”.
REGISTER HERE: How ChatGPT + AddOns Saved Me 36 Hours Over Two Weeks
ChatGPT is here to stay, y’all. As a marketer, entrepreneur, writer, and business development consultant, here’s how I’ve used ChatGPT in the last two weeks:
1) I’ve developed an entire example Twitter stream after revising ChatGPT results and integrating the recommendations into authentic storytelling for a client struggling to humanize their brand. ChatGPT saved me three planning and execution hours.
2) I’ve created detailed project plans for writing a book about my recent journey beating cancer, complete with goal word counts, estimated writing times, and ideally focused writing times for my unique schedule as a mother of three, etc. This saved me at least three to four planning hours.
3) I’ve drafted compelling sales copy for a client using ChatGPT that required 1 hour of revision and editing for authenticity (I do not plagiarize), saving five hours of work.
4) I launched an entire project framework with deadlines, deliverables, etc., in minutes saving at least 1–2 hours of focused planning time. The only flaw is that I want to command ChatGPT to book the agenda items on my calendar. That feature is undoubtedly coming soon.
5) I’ve launched an early Etsy store using ChatGPT-inspired product descriptions that I deeply revised but had an excellent structure to shape (I’m just starting this endeavor so forgive the messiness). I had been waiting to do this because I’m a product brand marketer and require thoughtful, compelling copy for my products. This ChatGPT add-on saved me hours. I launched my rudimentary store and three products in a five-hour sprint last weekend.
In 1999, could you have imagined Amazon or eBay would emerge from the Internet? How about Twitter? Well, my friend, ChatGPT is that momentous, with potential both promising and terrifying, and the add-ons are already enriching the experience.
There are two types of people: those who integrate ChatGPT early and often and those that don’t.
I’ll show you some fun stuff! If you’ve got time on Sunday, join me for a casual chat and demo of the tool and the top add-ons I’m exploring!
Join me this Sunday (1/29) 4pmCT for my DEMO, “How ChatGPT + AddOns Saved Me 36 Hours Over Two Weeks”.
REGISTER HERE: How ChatGPT + AddOns Saved Me 36 Hours Over Two Weeks